Friday, November 23, 2012

Tie Me Up Turtles

Gluten Free Turtle Cookies 

This is the recipe that got me started thinking I should do this.  And once you make these cookie, you'll see why!

You can mix all of the ingredients except for the Chocolate Chips Carmels and Pecans in a medium/large size bowl.

6.       eggs
1½c.  Pumpkin Puree
⅔c.    Organic Rice Syrup
2Tbs. Grape Seed Oil
1,8oz Softened Cream Cheese
1tsp.  Salt
1tsp.  Baking Powder
½tsp.  Baking Soda
½c.     Almond Flour
½c.     Arrowroot Flour
1c.      Gluten Free Baking Mix Flour
4Tbs.  Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Mix well until thick and smooth.
Then add the following.

1c.     Bittersweet Chocolate Chips
1c.     Pecans
⅔c.    Carmel Pieces, chopped small

Preheat oven to 350° Mix all ingredients well.  Take a scoop of cookie dough with a ¼ measuring cup and carefully placed it on a silicone cookie sheet, about 1½-2" apart.  You can fit about 6 on each pan.  Bake for 20 minutes!  Let stand on the pan 1-2 minutes and transfer to cool rack. 

Be careful the caramel likes to ooze and is very hot!! 
I know 20 minutes sounds like a long time, but I found that these cook the best at this length.
Also this recipe makes about 24-30 cookies. 

These are fun to make with someone and enjoy together!

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